Η ΦΩΝΗ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΑΣ  Mεσογείων 432, Αγία Παρασκευή, TK: 15342, Γραφείο Ρ 211 +30 210 6066 815 - 6 thevoiceofgreece@ert.gr
The history of the Greek Diaspora – The help of the Greek Diaspora associations of Latin America to Greece
Στην ιστορία των ομογενειακών σωματείων της Λατινικής Αμερικής, όπως του Ελληνικού Εμπορικού Επιμελητηρίου της Αργεντινής, αναφέρθηκε ο καθηγητής της Ελληνικής ιστορίας,...
The history of the Greek Diaspora-The grueling working conditions of Greek immigrants
Greek immigrants in the cities of English-speaking countries were mostly small business owners, while those who lived in the countryside did heavy manual labor, as the professor of Greek history, writer and researcher Anastasios Tamis, who is based in Melbourne, Australia, emphatically states. He...